Archaic Declamation

Archaic Declamation

Children have an innate love of stories. Stories create magic and a sense of wonder at the world. To bring a slice of magic to our classrooms, the \'Archaic Declamation Activity\' was held on 25 April 2023, for class I and II. As stories teach us about life, about ourselves and about others we at JMJ consider it a unique way for students to develop an understanding, respect and appreciation for other cultures, and to promote a positive attitude to people from different lands, races and religions. Our students participated in the activity wholeheartedly with props, charts and beautiful narration. Winners were awarded with certificates.


I- Navi Kochhar, Bani Kaur

II- Anmol Kumar, Myra Gupta

III- Shaarwin Chhabra, Veer Ruhil


I-  Mehar Malik

II- Arshnoor Kaur

III-  Kashvi Bohra


I- Jiyansh Manchanda

II-  Khwaish Gulati

III-  Rushika Rastogi


I-  Sharanjit Kaur, Teevr

II-  Agrima Jain, Esha E. Tom

III- Khuve Austin, Manha Azmyra

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