
Founder's Info & History of the Society

Date of Birth  06-03-1779
Expired  31-10-1857
Founding date of the Soc. of J.M.J.  29-07-1822


"Change me into Thyself dear Lord that I may live in Thee and for Thee alone. May my happiness on earth consist in fulfilling Thy Holy will. Amen"



God's goodness is infinite and is incomprehensible. Jesus is true God and true Man. Jesus was like us in everything except sin. Jesus came that we may have life in abundance. This is accomplished through His Passion, Death and Resurrection. He went about doing good, liberating human beings from the slavery of sin and evil. He invited and called men and women to be His voice, heart, eyes, hands and feet in the service of mankind. 

Our venerable founder, Rev. Fr. Mathias Wolff S.J. enamoured by the person of Jesus, with a vision and mission, started the Society of JMJ in Holland in the year 1822. The Charism he gave for his sisters was "An ever Adaptable Apostolic Availability"
The maxim of Fr. Mathias Wolff was "I want to work like a giant" and his mandate to the sisters viz. to have firm solidarity with the world and to embrace and to reach out to the four corners of the world with an unconditional pliability never to be comprehended and nowhere to be fixed the will of God. This keeps the sisters always on the move to meet the demands of the world and build up God's Kingdom in tune with the signs of the times. 

It was the sad plight of the girls and women in Holland in the 19th century that moved Fr. Mathias Wolff. Their oppression, their powerlessness, their mute endurance of the atrocities and neglect of the society disturbed Fr. Mathias Wolff. Education of girls was not popular and hence they were in every way voiceless and helpless. Fr. Mathias Wolff had a vision that urged him to take every risk and every possible means to realize his dream. So he motivated and inspired generous and willing young girls to be the instruments in bringing about transformation through education of girls. His person, his self- sacrificing and exemplary life, spirituality and his teachings attracted young, enthusiastic willing girls to join hands with him to bring about the needed change in the society. 

Very soon the Congregation spread out to the whole of Netherlands together with rendering their services to the education of girls which was priority, other charitable works like Health Care, School for Mentally Retarded, Physically Challenged, Blind, Deaf and Dumb, Care of Aged and the like were taken up as and when the need arose and as and when the requests came from the Church authorities and public. Today the Society is winged into India, Indonesia, Holland, Africa, America, Rome. 

His Grace Archbishop Aelen of madras sent invitation to the JMJ sisters in Holland requesting help to develop the most backward area Andhra Pradesh. It was indeed a great challenge launching out into the unknown and a risk. Seven young Dutch JMJ Sisters arrived in Guntur, A.P. on 24th February 1904. Keeping to the motto of our Founder Fr. Mathias Wolff “I want to work like a giant” our pioneers started with great zest and enthusiasm learning the language Telugu and English. Started Health care ministry by opening dispensary giving the healing touch of Jesus, through their love, kindness, compassion, concern care and warmth. Also started an orphanage for poor girls and a primary school. Gradually JMJ institutions were buzzing with life and activities of different types keeping in mind the vision-reach out to the poor, the needy and the under-privileged.

Great things happen when humans co-operate with God's love. Yes, when man says 'yes' to God's whispers. Dr. Mary Glowery M.D.(Sister Mary of the Sacred Heart) aged 31 said "yes" to the Lord and presented herself as a candidate for the Soc. of JMJ in Guntur in May 1920. A precious gift of God, Sr. Mary's presence gave a complete face-lift to our health care apostolate in Guntur and gradually in other places too She started training of Compounders, Midwives and General Nursing. Her contribution at the national level is highly commendable. Catholic Hospitals Association of India (CHAI), St. John's Medical College, Bangalore are her initiative and her brain child. Today JMJs are having Schools and Colleges of Nursing and Diploma in National Board, Delhi(D.N.B.) JMJ had another welcome surprise when in July 1923 from Tamil Nadu (Madras) Miss Isabel Swamikannu Pillai, a trained graduate arrived in Guntur to Join the Soc. of JMJ. She is the daughter of the late Dewan Bahadur L.D. Swamikannu Pillai, I.S.O. C.I.E., of Madras, an intellectual giant and called by some as the' Thomas More of India." 

When Sr. Mary of the Sacred Heart was to Health Ministry for the Soc.of JMJ so was Sr. Stanislaus (Miss Isabel) responsible to give a boost to the Apostolate of Education in Guntur and to all our institutions. Along with Education and Health Care Apostolates sisters made themselves available to the poor, the afflicted, and the less privileged rendering social uplift activities through various technical and work-oriented training programs including Teachers' Training.

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