Au Revoir

Au Revoir

Every ending is a new beginning


The farewell ceremony for the Class of 2023-24, held on February 2, 2024, marked the poignant transition from academic life to the broader world beyond school confines. Emotions ran deep as students bid adieu to their alma mater, mingling nostalgia with anticipation for the journeys ahead. The brightly adorned auditorium provided a fitting backdrop as seniors, accompanied by juniors and faculty, adorned themselves in elegant attire, ready to embrace the occasion and forge lasting memories.


Grade XII students reveled in the enchanting performances by their juniors, who serenaded them with melodious songs and captivating dances.School principal Rev.Sr.Thomasamma delivered an inspiring message, urging the graduating class to carry forth the values instilled during their time at the school. Encouraging them to embrace challenges with resilience and determination, the principal reminded them that their alma mater would always be a beacon of support as they embarked on their respective paths.


The event culminated with heartfelt farewells from the teachers, who extended their best wishes for the seniors\' future endeavors, echoing the sentiment that every ending marks a new beginning.

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